
“Just wanted to express how valuable I thought today’s training was. Definitely not easy to hear at times however especially within my job role now extremely beneficial. The way it was delivered was also fantastic, very engaging with a variety of tools to share knowledge across such difficult subjects” – Tracey

Mark certainly gives us an insight into the dangers of extremist behaviour. I always come away with a greater depth of understanding from Mark’s training. It’s a scary subject but Mark’s delivery is engaging so we don’t lose sight of how crucial understanding this subject is.” Jo, DSL / AHT

A very informative course  .I am now aware of the many different factions of extremism and how they operate. It has highlighted how extreme groups can  use propaganda, fake news and social media to draw people in from all walks of life. Mark’s detailed knowledge and experience of the subjects involved was delivered with enthusiasm and sensitivity. I will use my knowledge gained to safeguard our children from radicalisation and extremism. May I add informally that I will forever be looking at lamp posts now” Sarah

“I really like how Mark’s training delivered content that can be difficult to hear in a really no nonsense and factual way.  I always learn a lot from his training sessions that makes an impact on me as a professional and also as a parent” Lindsay

“The training was delivered by someone who has both experience and knowledge. It was informative and the film clips, although disturbing at times, added to the knowledge about this subject. I have found the training eye-opening today. The topic is very difficult, but crucial to be aware of and I appreciated Mark’s personal insight and straightforwardness.” Annina

“Thank you for the informative training yesterday. You made some very difficult topics easy to understand and the humour helped to lift the mood but didn’t take away from the seriousness. I came home and discussed at length your session with my husband. It really does make you stop and think” Sarah

“I would just like to say that the training was very informative as always. I find the information about the different groups very eye-opening and I always learn something as a result. Despite it being a difficult subject, he always delivers it with a bit of humour and it helps. I would also like to thank him for the warning about YouTube Kids as that app has been added to Sky and I have let my niece watch it, thinking that it is safe for her. I will be very cautious of its use now.”Katie

“Mark’s training was very informative and it was clear he had a very in depth knowledge of the material and current developments. It was very helpful to receive training which ensured we have an up-to-date understanding of the risks to children that many of us would otherwise not fully understand.” Ed

“Shocked at the number of children under 12 included in racist crimes, Amazed at the mix of nationalities that make up one person. The impact of far right extremist groups.”Anon

“Brilliant training! The speaker delivered the message in a clear and powerful and very effective way! Thank you :)” Anon